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My turn came and Idreaded it. Check the name and official number andsit in THAT chair. Abandon hope all ye who sit here!The Dental Officer was clothed in a long white coatso it was not possible to determine his rank. Hechecked the dental card and then I heard the whine ofthe drill and the next sensation was the feel of thedrill. It went down and down until I felt he must bedetermined to completely penetrate my jaw. Oh, thepain!But he couldnt feel anything; and I couldonly moan and squirm to no avail. Eventually hecreated what seemed to be the entrance to a coalmine; then I had to rinse my mouth out and heproceeded with the filling. "Thats all fortoday," said Sir. "See the S. B. A.

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The US was among the first places on earth to abolish slavery. Decades of racial terror following slavery have passed. Some criminals in our country want to resurrect that but with new and different victims. The Democrat perspective Democrats were responsible for all the pain in our history is that the US is uniquely evil. It is not. They now want to destroy the US as a way of destroying all of us.

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